What is the difference between BCCOP and COR certification?

What is the difference between BCCOP and COR certification?

PACS is accredited by the COABC (Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia) and, therefore, provides BCCOP certification to operators who are in B.C. and wish to have BCCOP certification as opposed to COR.  Products certified to BCCOP may not be sold outside of B.C. with an organic claim, nor can they be used as ingredients in COR certified products. BCCOP certification covers some products not eligible for certification under COR such as cut flowers, Christmas trees and fallow land that is not yet in production. Operators who are currently certified under the COR program may wish to add products that are only certifiable to BCCOP, which is permitted. In this case, PACS will take care of this distinction for you on your organic certificate.