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A step-by-step guide to Organic Certification and the Programs offered by PACS.

If you have questions about the certification process, please visit our FAQ page or contact our helpful and knowledgeable staff.

Click on each section below for more detailed information on the 6 steps to Organic Certification


PACS offers a number of Organic Programs.

Canada Organic Regime (COR)

Organic certification for products or packaging and labelling activities under COR, in accordance with Part 13 of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR).

Eligible for International and Interprovincial sales.

Eligible products certified to COR may also be equivalent to NOP (USDA), EU and other countries with equivalency arrangements; thereby being eligible to bear their organic logos.


Attestation of Compliance (AoC)

AoCs are issued to contracted service providers who conduct physical activities with respect to an organic product. Activities are conducted in accordance with CAN/CGSB 32.310 and 32.311 to maintain the organic integrity of the product.  Annual inspections are required.


Canada Organic Regime (COR) - Aquaculture

Organic certification for products or packaging and labelling activities under COR, in accordance with Part 13 of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR). This scope of certification follows the Canadian Organic Production Systems Aquaculture - General Principles, Management Standards and Permitted Substances Lists CAN/CGSB-32.312-2018, as amended from time to time and with the terms of any Canadian organic equivalency arrangements indicated.



PACS Natural Health Products

In-house certification for natural health products. If a product bears a Natural Health Product Number (NPN), OR if it makes a health claim, displays supplemental facts, or states a suggested dosage, then the product must be certified as a Natural Health Product.  Products may be marketed as certified organic, but may not bear the COR or BCCOP logos, and are not eligible for international equivalency arrangements.


PACS Certification for Agricultural Products

PACS offers regional certification for agricultural products to producers and processors outside of B.C. who wish to market their organic products within their home province or territory only. Products marketed with organic claims may use the PACS logo on labels and in marketing material but may not use the COR logo or B.C. Checkmark symbol, and products may not cross provincial/territorial borders. Products with a PACS certification will not be recognized as organically equivalent by operations that are certified to either the COR or BCCO programs; however, the flexibility of this PACS program allows processors to use PACS-certified products (including PACS Low Risk), and other products that PACS considers organically equivalent, as ingredients in their multi-ingredient products.


PACS Cannabis Cultivation (Indoor and Outdoor)

In-house certification for the production of cannabis – either indoor (greenhouse) or outdoor (in-ground) production. Operations who are federally licensed by Health Canada as a Licensed Producer may certify their product as organic. Products may be marketed as certified organic, but may not bear the COR or BCCOP logos, and are not eligible for international equivalency arrangements.


PACS Cannabis Processing

In-house certification for processed cannabis products. Operations who possess a Health Canada licence for Cannabis Processing may certify their products as organic. Products may be marketed as certified organic, but may not bear the COR or BCCOP logos, and are not eligible for international equivalency arrangements.