Enterprise Name:
Jerseyland Organics Ltd.

Organic Client Directory

PACS # 16-343

Enterprise Name:
Jerseyland Organics Ltd.
Member Name:
Jeremy deVries
Certification Status:
COR Certified / Transitional

Crop, Preparation, Livestock (4-legged), Livestock (Dairy)

(250) 442 -8112
2690 Almond Gardens Rd. East
Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0
Certified Organic (COR Section 345) :
Dairy Cattle (breeding and milk stock);
Dairy Calves (breeding stock);
Fluid milk;
Barley silage;
Forage (alfalfa, hay, haylage, pasture);

Producing, packaging and distributing Jerseyland Organics brand milk products including:;
Asiago cheeses (aged, medium, mild);
Cheddar cheeses (Curds; Jalapeño; Jalapeño Curd; Onion & Garlic; Plain (aged, medium, mild); Red Leicester);
Cottage cheese (dry curd);
Cream cheeses (Onion & Chive; Plain);
Feta* (Mixed Herbs; Plain);
Gouda cheeses (Cumin; Garlic & Dill; Hickory Smoked; Mixed Herbs; Peppercorn; Plain);
Parmesan cheese (blocks, grated);
Sour cream;
Yogurt (Blueberry, Fat-free; French Vanilla; Plain; Strawberry)
Transitional Year 2:
Field 17 – ‘Moore’ - 3835 Moore Road (alfalfa)