Enterprise Name:
Blue House Organics Inc.

Organic Client Directory

PACS # 16-824

Enterprise Name:
Blue House Organics Inc.
Member Name:
Alejandro Sucre
Certification Status:
COR Certified / Transitional


8184 Pemberton Meadows Road
Pemberton, BC V0N 2L2
Certified Organic (COR Section 345) :
Herbs: Cilantro, Parsley (Curley, Italian);
Mixed Vegetables and Fruits (Asparagus, Beans, Beet, Bitter Melon, Bok Choi, Broccoli, Broccolini, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Canton Green, Cauliflower, Collards, Cucumber, Fennel, Garlic, Green Onion, Kale (Black, Red and Green), Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Napa cabbage, Peas, Pepper (red heirloom, Jalapeno), Romaine Hearts, Swiss Chard, Tomato (cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, red grape tomatoes), Turnip, Watermelon;
Transitional Year 3:
Field B2